A new movement, because the Democratic Party is failing us

 Welcome to the Meteor Party

A movement dedicated to the political extinction of the Democrats that brought us here

It’s taken only a few short weeks for Donald Trump and Elon Musk to bring America over the edge of a constitutional crisis. Planes are falling from the sky. Civil rights are being stripped away. Eggs are practically worth their weight in gold. It’s not great!

We’re facing the gravest threat to the American way since the Civil War. People are fighting back on more fronts than anyone could possibly keep track of. All of which begs one simple question:

Where is the Democratic Party?

Of the hundreds of elected Democrats in Congress, only a handful seem to truly understand the dire situation we’re in. Most have been slow to fight back, if they’re willing to fight at all. Apparently, the prospect of an impending fascist dictatorship run by racist neo-Nazi pedophiles isn’t quite enough to get certain senators to work through the weekend or vote against cabinet appointees. So let’s give them some extra incentive.

Where We Are

Here’s the idea. Any Democrats that vote for a Trump appointee, any Democrats who still think they need to be practicing “bipartisanship”, any Democrats praising Musk’s efforts to “get government spending under control”, any Democrats that aren’t willing to do anything and everything in their power to resist Trump and Musk - they’ve failed the Democratic Party. They are Democrats in name only, they clearly aren’t up to the challenge, and, simply put, they have to go.

To that end, the Meteor Party will identify, raise funds, and organize for primary challengers to DINOs, if their campaigns are consistent with our basic principles:

What We’re Going to Do

  1. Resist or Die: Trump (and Musk) are a unique threat to our democracy and we need to do literally everything within our power to resist them.

  2. Leave Nobody Behind: We stand for the rights of everyone. We don’t sacrifice minorities. We understand that we either fight together or we die alone.

  3. Get Attention: What we say doesn’t matter if nobody hears us. We need to use the tools of modern media and dramatically shift how we communicate with the public, focusing on rapid response and coming across as actual people who care instead of poll-tested robots.

That’s it!

Our Principles


  • Even without control of the branches of the federal government, Democrats have power and should use it. They can slow down Congress, use their leverage on important votes to force Trump to obey the rule of law, and use their platforms to shape media narratives and popular opinion.

    The Democratic Party as a whole has been behind the curve for several decades in their approach to modern media, gerrymandering, campaign finance, and court reform, all of which contributed directly to the dire situation we now find ourselves in.

    We need a party that can act now to prevent the worst-case scenario. We need a party that will be able, if we’re able to win back power, to address the problems that got us here.

  • This will evolve as the situation changes and the movement grows, but the current goals are:

    1. Identify primary challengers for top DINO targets

    2. Highlight a “DINO of the Week” each week - a Democrat from our target list who has fallen particularly short of our ideals that week

    3. Create a PAC that donates the money raised each week to the primary opponent of the DINO of the Week

  • Well, it’s most of them, so they’re pretty easy to find. Starting with senators and then moving on to representatives and governors, we’ll identify specific criteria that make sense for each role and measure how well they match our three principles.

  • First and foremost, sign up for email updates and follow us on social media. Unlike the current Democratic Party, we won’t spam you with fundraising emails!

    If you are a candidate running a primary challenge to a DINO, please let us know by emailing candidates@meteor-party.com. If we feel that you align with the principles, we will highlight you on the website and donate to you when your opponent wins DINO of the Week.

    If you want to be involved with the Meteor Party more generally, send us an email at contact@meteor-party.com and we’ll reach out to understand how you can contribute.